This "NANA" is the description casual acquaintance 大崎ナナ and 小松奈々(in cartoon is been called ハチ) these two same age NANAs' story. ナナ is a singer in a punk band ''BLACK STONES.'' But ナナ's boyfriend, 本城蓮, is a guitar player in "TRAPNEST."

It's comic books & cartoons arevery great. Everybody should go to see it. By the way, their songs are very good, too.If you want listen, I can borrow you.^_^
Pictures From:http://www.emimusic.com.tw/pop/nana/page1.htm
Sent "NANA" to me quickly.(ha~) Maybe I'll like it,too.
I have never looked NANA. I think if I have time, I will look it. 3Q~~^^
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